Why I am running

I am running for the California Assembly because our district needs a vocal leader who will work on solutions that will address our state’s social and economic issues in tandem instead of separately. Our district is in need of a strong voice that will work in Sacramento to combat housing inflation and contribute to real solutions to address the homeless crisis, support single payer healthcare and lead efforts for addressing our economy with job creation with fair and equitable wages proportionate to the cost of living in our state. I’m running to speak up for our community because the pandemic has exposed gaps in how our state government responds to local small businesses and entrepreneurs in times of crisis as well as citizens in need in times of a national emergencies.
I am also committed to collaborating with local organizations to create solutions for our district concerns with the following:
- Climate Change and Quality of Life Environmental Issues
- Protecting Vulnerable Children and Adults
- Public Safety and Law Enforcement Reform
- Prioritizing Education with Real Funding Equity for Public Schools
- Protecting Our Seniors and Respecting our Veterans
- Reasonable Cost Housing and Homeownership
- Leading Job Creation Opportunities for our community in the Green and Digital Business Sectors
I look forward to meeting and speaking with everyone in the district over the course of this campaign and sharing how I will work to help to make our district stronger as your voice in Sacramento.