Ep68 – The Hot Mess Express Keeps Rolling
Discussion and commentary about the firing of James Comey and the Russian connections in the current administration.
Discussion and commentary about the firing of James Comey and the Russian connections in the current administration.
Republicans control three branches of government and can’t get anything passed because members of congress realize that their constituents are watching and will hold them accountable which will make the 2018 election cycle hard for them to retain their seats. Discussion and commentary about the latest member of congress, Jason Chaffetz and his decision to […]
Discussion and commentary about how income inequality has occurred, why it affects so many and how it has nothing to do with the lack of goals or ambition. The rise in the cost of living and how the ability to earn has been changed for the middle and working classes of Americans because of practices […]
Discussion about Mike Flynn and his dealings with Russia, warnings from the Pentagon. Review and discussion on what marks 100 days of the Trump Administration.
Discussion and commentary about the bombing of Syria as well as remembering what our elders warned us about the military industrial complex. Review of how a millennial is flipping the script in GA’s District 6, once a Republican stronghold is now shifting from red to blue.
Review and commentary on the continued connections between the current administration. Russian interests tied to individuals with current or past associations with both the Trump Campaign and the current administration.
Review and commentary on the latest move from congress voting to allow ISPs the ability to see an individual’s browsing history. Also, more review of the complications of nepotism and roles being assigned to unqualified family members in the Trump Administration.
Discussion and commentary about the latest appointment in the new administration, Ivanka Trump’s elevated role as an advisor to her father. Discussion and commentary about the proposed budget that the administration has released.
Review and commentary on 45’s latest claim of being under surveillance by the previous administration. Thoughts on the deepening Russian connection.
Continued discussion about the repeal and replacement of the Affordable Care Act and the financial review of the American Health Care Act. Throwback book review/recommendation.